A+O Career Group

Core competencies

About us





Why coaching?

Our services

The way we work

The benefits

Gouverner c'est prévoir.

It is recommendable to consider coaching before personal problems become acute or conflicts erupt in the workforce. Clients who take the initiative when they recognize friction can spare the individuals involved and themselves serious difficulties and defuse critical situations.

Trust and discretion.
It is one of our basic principles that our coaches do not disclose to the client any information about the subjects discussed and the progress of the talks with the employee. Without the client’s explicit consent to this principle, we do not accept a coaching mandate.

Systematic management support.
Since coaching has to be precisely tailored to the specific requirements of the employee and job affected, it provides direct, individual, and highly effective support at the executive level.

Hotline for leadership competence.
The executive may contact the consultant of his or her choice at almost any time of the day to schedule a meeting.
