A+O Career Group

Core competencies

About us





Why outplacement?

Our services

The way we work

The benefits

The so-called lifetime job – even in industries that appear to be crisis-immune – no longer exists!

Even senior staffers who for years have contributed to their company’s success may be subject to redundancy. Indeed, executives with sound higher education backgrounds and valuable professional experience cannot preclude the risk of a forced career change.

Our work begins when the employment relationship is terminated.

The shock of redundancy.
The actual layoff, no matter how long it might have been envisaged, always comes as a surprise. It is a shocking event.
During this very difficult phase, we support the individual on site.

Regaining self-confidence.
Terminated employees frequently perceive the loss of their jobs as a personal failure. In the vast majority of cases, however, this view is unjustified.

In a situation which is new and unfamiliar to them, we help the individuals affected by layoffs rebuild their self-esteem. The confidence they have in their strengths and skills is necessary for a successful job search.

Involving the family.
Spouses are often even harder hit by the job loss than the laid-off individuals themselves. Life partners tend to be less familiar with the internal development of the employing company, so they frequently experience a layoff as a completely sudden and almost unreal event.

We involve the spouses of our candidates in the process of occupational realignment.

The ladder to success.
Step by step, we jointly develop the most suitable plan of action and lead our candidates to their goals.
